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Gift Cards

Want to give the perfect Gift?

Now you can. Send that special someone a Gramma Betty's Gift Card.

Gift Cards from Gramma Betty's

When you know someone that you would like to send Gramma Betty's Handmade Candies, Gift Baskets, Towers, Gourmet Coffees and you just can’t decide which one to buy, give them a Gramma Betty's Gift card. These Gift cards can be redeemed when ordering by your recipient.

It's Fast, Easy and a Perfect Gift. Order a gift card just like you would if you are buying any other products. You will receive a beautiful gift card and not a paper gift certificate like most websites have. It looks just like a credit card, with Gramma Betty's logo and instructions on how to redeem over the phone. It is enclosed in a beautiful envelope to crown the presentation. Your image is important to us, so we want our gift cards to fit the occasion as well as be impressive. Buy one for yourself and see what we mean. You will be happy to give it out as a gift too.

How to Order Gift Card

  1. Select the value gift card that you would like to purchase. The gift Card will be added to your shopping cart and basket
  2. Enter the recipients mailing information and the gift card will be mailed to the recipient with instructions on how to redeem the gift card.
  3. Type a special note or comment that you would like included. No more than 180 characters.

Value of Gift Card